Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rename Windows Machine running Novell Client?

When my company images computers using Ghost we have to go in and manually change the computer name for windows, then go into registry and manually change 3 keys for the Novell client to work properly.

I want to either write a simple program for this if possible, which from what I've seen its not simple in any way. Or if there is already a program/utility in existence to do this can you point me in the right direction?

I tried finding a way to do this in C++ and managed to find a way to do the registry keys but the computer name still needs to be changed in the Control Panel which means I can still save even more time, and the registry method I used doesn't translate over to the same location on other images so I have to re-compile it for each set of computers I am working on.

Rename Windows Machine running Novell Client?
If you're having to manually change the computer name after imaging, I'd say whoever is creating the images is doing it wrong. Generally, after getting your master computer configured the way you want it, you run SYSPREP, which seals the image. When that image is deployed, the target computer runs the mini-setup, at which time the setup prompts for computer name and some other information, and resets the SID. It's possible that the mini-setup wizard would reset the registry keys you're changing manually.

If that didn't do the trick, you could always create a *.reg file that contained the registry change, then deploy that to the system with a logon script or group policy.

At the school I work at, we image 1000+ machines every year with the Novell client, and I assure you we don't have to change any registry keys manually. Now, we've also always used Zenworks to do the imaging, so that might have something to do with it as well.

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