Friday, July 31, 2009

Can I Sue My State School for Loss of Future Income?

I had no choice over which school I wanted to go to as I live far away from most schools. I was sent to a school that has been classed as the worst in the country. I had high predicted grades for all my subjects and ended up with next to nothing thanks to the poor teaching and the loss of work.

In one instance I had over 10 different teachers just for science in 1 year as they left and took our coursework with them and never returned.

I recently was refused entry into college on the basis of my poor grades even though I managed to get 2 Bs, 2 C, 5 Ds it was not enough and now am unable to take my A-Level Law course. This now means that I wont get my qualifications and no way will get my dream job.

I read that a student sued her school after they messed up her A-Levels but she went to a private school. I went to a state school and it was my GCSEs not my A-Levels.

Can I sue the school and should I go further and blame the county education department for not sorting the school out?

Can I Sue My State School for Loss of Future Income?
No, on the grounds that they will show you many, many of their previous students who now earn a lot. They may then explain to the court that one of the qualities (as opposed to qualifications) of people who get ahead in life is not constantly whining and looking for compensation.
Reply:well, I think you can probably sue them.. but the real question here is will you win? My advice to you, is study your as@ off. Its not too late to start making good grades.
Reply:In addition to extension courses, look into GED (general equivalancy development) tests. These are accepted by most 2yr and many 4yr colleges. If you do well enough on these it should help even out any problems with High School grades. In any case, it is on you to get yourself prepared, it may not be fair, but it is how it is.
Reply:You could sue the school, but what will you get for your efforts? Due you think that you will get a windfall of cash should you win?! Can you not go to college or can you not go to the college that you preferred?! I teach at a community college and we don't turn any one away. It seems to me as though your path hasn't been blocked, it's just been re-routed.

You can blame the system and you may very well be in the right to blame "them", but how does that help you? You could win in a court of law, but again, you won't get enough money (if any) to last your life time and you still won't be any closer to having the skills required to make the living you desire.

The noble and impressive course of action is to find out what skills you need to improve to get into the college you seek and then go to another school and get the training/knowledge that you need. You will show the school that you posses the desire to succeed and the drive to get it done no matter what. That will impress the school and a potential employer.

Life is not fair and regardless of who is at fault, you are not qualified to enter the program and even if you did get in, by your grades, you probably wouldn't succeed any way. Strengthen your weaknesses some where else and when you do get back on track, you may find that you appreciate your success even more than some of your peers.

The test you face now is how focused are you on your goal. Are you going to walk towards your goal or stray towards the distraction of a raw deal. It's not your fault, but it's how you respond to your situation that will impress people and make them take notice.
Reply:Well, yeah you could - but it'll come from the government, meaning your taxes and ours will be increased. You should be able to get into college with those grades, most places just ask for five Cs or above, or you could just talk to a tutor there and most tutors need the students so they'll let you in.

My state school screwed up too - the lesson we have learnt is to work hard, earn enough money to send you're kids to a decent school. Or emigrate.
Reply:No, you can not sue the school for YOUR grades. If the staff was influx and you knew you were not getting a quality education why did you not speak up sooner? Where were your parents? What is done is DONE. So let's move on. Get yourself to the nearest community college and take classes for two years then you will have grades good enough to get into a 4 year school. Or you can contact the nearest state university. They have to admit you because they are supported by tax dollars. Finally where did past grad's of your school go? Go there. Having 5 D's does not exactly indicate you are a scholar. Your GPA is less than a 1.00 on a 4.0 scale. Get off the pity pot and get busy ! Forget the suing !!
Reply:I was always told a school is what you make it. I am studying electronics, I have a scar on my brain that has affected my short term memory so I have to find different ways to remember things otherwise I will fail. If you want to succeed you have to work harder than everyone else and as unfair as it is you cant blame the school especially if other students have passed. I wish you well
Reply:why are you unable to take A level?

i know people that got worst grades that you that took A levels, and have still got into university

your gades are not bad, if your school is bad then thats not your fault but get over it, i got very poor a levels compared to what i was predicted because of the poor teaching, however im still going to uni

do you really want to waste your time sueing them go for it but your lose so much money and time doing it.

im sure that you could get into a college that would accept you for a levels

i think you should get on with your life and stop feeling sorry for yourself, at least you got an education and if you work hard enough you can get into uni, if you were really set on getting a levels you would have found somewhere to do it.

if i hadnt have got into my a levels at 6th form, i could have gone to college and done it.

you may have been dealt some bad cards but you have to get on with you life otherwise yourll never study law
Reply:That'll be a no then...

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