Friday, July 31, 2009

2. How a network is used by an organisation to manage its resources?

2. How a network is used by an organisation to manage its resources

a) Information resources;

b) hardware %26amp; software resources;

c) staff management;

d) Explain related legislation that regulates how the above resources are managed eg Data Protection Act 1998 and Computer Misuse Act

2. How a network is used by an organisation to manage its resources?
is that your assignment? hehehe... well a network in a company has a major role. wherein by using a network they can share files and communicate easily with each other, but i cant answer all of your question hehehe! since i think thats your homework you have to work hard for it. Godbless
Reply:looks like a question i had in networking class......

a %26amp; b

online florist

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