Friday, July 31, 2009

Hurts to cough and sneeze?

hi everyone...i will be 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow. i'm due to have a c-section on march 10. i managed to get a horrible horrible cold. i can't cough because whenever i do i get a horrible sharp stabbing pain on my lower right part of my stomach..not far enough to be on my pelvic bone..kinda more to the side ...sneezing does the same thing it hurts real bad. also coughing is my main trigger for throwing up. when i cough i end up throwing up and then i get a contraction that lasts the whole time i'm throwin up. i've been taking tylenol cold to no avail its not helping the cough at all. any ideas on why this hurts so bad? i'm thinking its just a ligiment or something but it makes me cry! also anyone know a good cough medicine that actually works thats safe during pregnancy? my dr said all tylenol products are safe but like i said..its just not working..any suggestions (besides suck it up and deal with it like my husband suggested lol) are very welcome thanks!

Hurts to cough and sneeze?
geez men couldn't handle having kids lol they get a cold they take watever meds they want lol. You can try Robitussum I took the generic brand and it was fine...Doctor told me i could however, the pain in like u said straining of the uterus I have that and it is painful im 38 weeks....You may end up going on antibiotics you need to call your doctor in the morning and tell him/her that the meds aren't working but try Tussum you can get the generic brand at walmart same stuff just different name...I was also told to take claritin only thing i noticed with that is it did make the baby not move much and it scared me so i stopped taking it ....when i got that cold i ended up going on antibiotics for it and nasal spray alon gwith the tussum for the cough few days on that and i was good as new good luck and congrats
Reply:Robitussin is safe during pregnancy if i were you id take the cold and cough Robitussin it tastes gross but it helps!!!!!!! its just the stretching of the muscles and ligaments and such i know what your going through i was 38 weeks when i was so sick i didn't know what to do and now I'm all better and ready to have my little girl!!!! good luck and congrats!!!!!

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