Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Could you answer the multiple-choice question about health insurance ?

Which statement is CORRECT about the key differences between traditional health insurance and managed care?

A. In traditional insurance, healthcare functions are coordinated but there is little or no control over utilization

B. Managed care attempts to integrate the financing, insurance, delivery, and payment functions and employs "gatekeeping" and/or utilization review mechanisms to control utilization

C. In managed care, access is generally not restricted to providers on the panel and insurance companies are generally passive payers of claims

D. In traditional care, there is open access--the insured can see any provider, including a specialist but usually needs referral; Preventive check-ups are always covered

Could you answer the multiple-choice question about health insurance ?

Do your own work...slacker!!

(If you're not going to learn the material yourself, you take your chances with the answers strangers give you.)

and if you want to pass the test, you'll now look up both answers, and figure out which one is REALLY right.


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