Tuesday, July 28, 2009

To what extent do extreme alcohol and drug use reduce one's IQ and ability reason?

Prez managed to attain C averages throughout his educational career, which I believe would required average intelligence. I'm wondering to what extent his past abuses to the brain may have caused what clearly is an IQ well below 100.

To what extent do extreme alcohol and drug use reduce one's IQ and ability reason?
Pretty Funny Question !

BUT, I wouldn't slander drugs, nor alcohol, by blaming his condition on either one !

I have consumed mass quantities of both, and my IQ still remains in the mid-160's, just like it was when I was a sober and straight 17 year-old recruit, on his way to fight communist expansionism in Southeast Asia.
Reply:Thanks for choosing my answer, I'm glad I defended substances against any association with Bush ! Report It

Reply:One person responded "ask the liberals" lol!!

Well..., I think it may have caused his poor performance in school. I think that the abuse is cumulative like head trauma and may show signs later in life such as now. There have been people who say that he spoke better when he was a Govenor in Texas but his mental abilities seem to be diminishing, maybe thats from cumulative assaults to his brain with cocain and alcohol?
Reply:A "C" at Yale compared to a "C" at other schools are two different things, thank you very much.
Reply:ask the liberals
Reply:It depends on the starting point, I think. A 100 IQ at 1.8% blood alcohol if divided by the blood level is 55.55555 that seems about correct. where a 130 IQ at 1.8% is still 72.222. dumb but better than 55 and closer to average than 55 by quite a bit.
Reply:What were your grades at Yale?

Oh that's right. You didn't get in.
Reply:For a second there I thought this was a serious question, but your just another moonbat trolling for attention.
Reply:Thats an unknown unknown. For crazy people, lack of drugs is worse. Just ask Rumsfeld!

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