Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How much Maths is there in A Level Chemistry?

Maths certainly isn't my strongest subject, but at GCSE Level I can handle the maths in Chemistry, even though my prediction is only a D in GCSE Maths, yet a B in Chemistry. Biology and Chemistry are my two main areas of interest in taking at A Level, so I imagine I will just manage a C at GCSE Maths, will I be able to get by with basic Maths ability in Chemistry, or should I look elsewhere?

How much Maths is there in A Level Chemistry?
If you know basic Algebra you'll be fine. More advance Chem requires Trig as prerequisite but with a simple scientific calculator and studying you'll be very successful in Chem. Its more understanding the concepts and basic calculation. Like what happens when you mix X amount of material with Y amount. Plus professor gives you formulas to learn. Good Luck.
Reply:Theres quite abit to be honest, especially in A2 chemistry(that Im currently doing) , maths questions do tend to crop up quite a bit, but they arent as tricky as the ones you get in GCSE, so you'd be OK i guess...Good Luck!

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