Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On feeling helpless...?

If you were a HS student from a middle-class family and you were trying your best in all your IB classes (kind of like AP classes except you have to take AP for all main subjects) but managed to get C's in most of them. In 3 of them, you made so many stupid mistakes that you got a C. In addition, all the subjects/activities you used to be strong in, you aren't anymore. Also you can't keep most of the promises you make unless they are very very important. You already have low self-esteem, and you now believe that you do more harm than good. You are ridden with guilt, fear, and stress; you also feel incompetant because you are unsure of whatever you do unless you know how to do it on your own.

I know that I have a better life than some people but I just screw things up so much unintentionally that I can't help but think what I will screw up in the future. For all I know, I could accidently kill someone in a car.

On feeling helpless...?
I'll let you into a little secret ....... we all screw things up !!

Every one of us at some time feels useless, guilty and afraid. Most of us admit it, some don't.

You are in a situation that sounds crowded and stressful. In Japan people in exactly your situation have killed themselves because of the pressure of performing. Luckily, you are not one of them.

You say that you can keep a promise if it is very important, you recognise that you have taken on too many things, you seem to be getting a C average in your subjects (and not D's and F's) - this is all positive.

Easy to say, not so easy to do - Think Positive. Yeah, yeah, I know, you can't. At some stage soon - you will.

You do have a better life than some, but that is no reason to feel guilty. Accept where you are at the moment, things will find their rightful place in your life when you least expect them to.

Good Luck
Reply:Sorry you're going through a tough time. You're not alone. It's like acne---depression and anxiety and general emotional chaos is very common with your age group.

You really need to confide in someone. A parent would be best, but if that isn't possible, perhaps you have a favorite teacher or relative. Somebody to just unload on that will help you remember that you're important and that this time in your life will pass and you'll be fine.

I would strongly suggest you discuss this with a medical doctor. Depression is a possibility, can be caused by many factors, and can be treated.

Take care of yourself. You're important to many people. Good luck and be strong.
Reply:Do the best you can. Don't worry about other people.

It never gets easier, just different.

Reply:I would drop one or two of the classes and stop trying to please all the people around me and focus on my own goals we must walk before we run or we trip
Reply:, really high school is a stepping stone and an wierd time for anybody , what you are going to be in 20 years isnt going to make a bit of difference in what you do there, so go to school do your best and just say no when its right to ,get threw it .in some ways you'll look back and never want to go again and in some ways you'll look back and it will be the time of your life, good luck
Reply:JM is awful...

but I would drop some AP classes til you can get your grades back up again.

Your parents need to chat with you, so you can tell them how you feel. YES they have expectations but they should be understanding.. I would be with my child.

also seek some counseling... at school.. at church. You need to vent and get some objective help.
Reply:Part of the problem is that you probably often encounter a**holes like the one above who only serve to make thing worse.

You need to talk to someone about these feelings of worthlessness you have. I take it that you don't feel you can talk to your parents? Then go beyond them. Is there an adult relative, friend, teacher, guidance counselor that you trust? If so, seek them out and tell them what's going on. They will try to help you.
Reply:you are depressed and need help now find out do some soul searching and find out when this all started an why. ask your mom to get you help with a doctor . you sound like a really nice person that is just trying to grow up it's hard to do. but don't cave in. things will get better with age please ask mom to get help now as school is about to start . depression makes you feel this way i know iv'e been there bud look ahead not behind you start with tomorrow make it a great day . make a list of things to do and cross them off when you get them done good luck son
Reply:Stupid mistakes can be corrected. You were probably stressed when writing those tests. Don't worry you are not the only one. If you have problems in subjects then ask a classmate to give you tution lessons. Hard work and dedication fixes everything. Also, relax. I know you are stressed but believe me you'll be fine.
Reply:It took me a looooooooong time to finally learn one thing you need to learn right now and that is to ask for help. Asking for help is not only OK, but people WANT to help you and they wish you would ask so that they can help you. You have too much on your plate, plus the fact that now you feel overwhelmed and it's hard to just stop everything so that you can take a deep breath and focus on one task at a time.

SO.....ASK FOR HELP. No one can make it on their own without help from others. It is very noble of you to try but actually it is foolish and unwise. Ask your parents for help. Ask your teachers for help. Ask your minister for help. Anyone that is able will help if you ask them. You really need to tell your parents what is going on, how you feel, what you are thinking and trust them to understand. Every parent was a teenager and dealt with fear, anxiety, stress. We have all been there and most of us are glad to be past it. You are not the first person with your set of issues and you won't be the last. AND you are far from alone. You just have to reach out to the ones that can help you and trust them.
Reply:Be the best that you can be, and forgive yourself for not being perfect.

Do your best with what you do… If you make mistakes, that’s fine!!!

You are a ‘worthy person’ no matter how you feel.

You need to believe in yourself…. Others believe in you!!!

They will accept you for who and what you are.

You should do the same!!!
Reply:i used to make a ton of silly errors. its ok. you probably just have other things on your mind that are distracting you at a subconsious level. try to focus on what is in front of you. you could get some help, sounds like you could use some support right now. just work on not making as many errors and dont beat your self up about it. there are worse things in the world than making Cs
Reply:dont look at life that way ok.things will get better for you as go on and your not a screw up.you just had some prombles just like everyone does.and you want kill someone with a car when you get older.your future is what you make of it ok.so what ever your planes or goals are i hope that you really make them all happy.good luck.

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