Is it possible to retake a AP Exam test?
I have no idea what happened. I was rank two for the whole year in my AP European Class, and took two practice AP tests which was calculated and averaged out by my teacher which gave an estimate I would be getting about a FOUR but on the actual test I got a TWO?! People who pretty much failed the class with D's and C's managed to get Threes! ._.
Is it possible to retake a AP exam subject over again? :%26lt; I don't know what to do...
AP Exam retake?
You can take the class outside of school in certain programs such as DELVE at MIT which offered AP courses for high schoolers for 5 hours every sunday. Or if you work independently you can register through collegeboard for the test and you don't need to take a class just pay them $84 or w/e it is.
Reply:the only way you can retake the exam is if you retake the whole class also. i'm sorry you didnt pass, but it happened a lot in my high school also in different subjects. good luck
Reply:Wow, I'm sorry that sucks. In order to retake an AP exam you have to be enrolled in that class again. I don't think you should retake it, just let it be. Now you'll have more experience with future AP exams. The actual AP exams are much harder than the tests you take in your class.
Reply:yes.. you can .. this policy may be diffrent at some schools but you should be able to sign up for it.. contact your school counselor and tell them to.
its okay. the exam doesnt really matter anyways, the grade matters more.
Reply:no hun...=[..the same thing happened to me =[
Reply:You cannot retake the class unless you are enrolled in the class. You know AP classes are taught differently for the most part, some are harder than others even though the whole point of the class is to prepare for the AP exam. So really even if you were ranked number 1, it's really irrelevant in terms of the AP exam or really the grand scheme of things.
It's not really fair to do a lopsided comparison of your classmates. I was in AP chemistry and I was getting C's and D's; the material was tough and I got 4 on the exam; I was also taking AP French and I was getting A's but I ended up getting a 1, so everything is relative.
The point of AP exams is for college credit, nothing bad really happens except for being bummed out that you didn't get the score you wanted.
Reply:If you felt REALLY confident that you scored at least a 4 after taking that exam, then call the collegeboard and request a rescore. It costs money, which is why you should only do it if you're certain. They may have misplaced your Free Response Section and only added points from the MC. It has happened more often than you might expect.
To answer your question, you can retake the test, as long as you pay for it. You'll have to talk about it with your guidance counselor though--your particular school may not allow you to do it even if it is technically possible. If you can, then you have to register for it in January.
I don't know that it would be worth it though. It depends on your workload next year--if it's too much, then don't worry about it. The only consequence is that you didn't get college credit for it when you could have. It doesn't negatively affect your admissions at most colleges. Good luck.
Reply:You cannot take the AP Exam SUBJECT over again. But, you have the ability to work by yourself throughout the year and study for the AP Exam in May again. All you have to do is cough up $83.00 or something like that. I'm not sure if that'll be a good choice though. You might forget it all and not dedicate much time to the subject due to the fact that you're not actually in the class anymore and have other subjects to worry about. Or you can just deal with the fact that you got a 2 and move on with your life. It's fine. It's only worth college credit. While you may feel embarrassed right now, it's not the end of the world. You probably just got confused while you were taking the exam. Goes to show how many AP classes all of the US are not up to standard.
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