Tuesday, July 28, 2009

1.) Which of the following sentences contains an adverb?

A. We saw the latest movie

B. They boarded the downtown bus.

C. I manage a service organization.

D. He arrived home yesterday.

2.)Which of the following is NOT a plural?

A. parenthesis

B. deer

C. fish

D. radii

Please Help me on this!!

1.) Which of the following sentences contains an adverb?
1. D - "yesterday" is an adverb.

2. A - "parenthesis" is the singular of "parentheses." B and C can be either singular or plural, and D is the plural of radius.

BTW: "Service", in this case, is an adjective, modifying the noun "organization." Remember that by definition an adjective modifies a noun and an adverb modifies a verb!
Reply:1. D) adverb %26gt; yesterday

2. A) parentheses would be plural
Reply:1. D.) He arrived home yesterday

2. A.) Parenthesis
Reply:1. D

2. A
Reply:1) A : Yesterday

2) A: Parenthesis
Reply:for the first one, D is the answer. "yesterday" is the adjective describing the verb "arrived", while the rest of the options are adjectives describing nouns.

the second one: i would guess parenthesis. im not totally sure on this one, but im about 80% positive that the plural of parenthesis is parentheses (-es instead of -is at the end).

hope this helps :)
Reply:I agree with Evanbart
Reply:D and B, on second thought D and A. Deer can be plural.
Reply:(yesterday) is the adverb in sentence D

the word radii is not a plural
Reply:A and A
Reply:D. "home" and "yesterday" are both adverbs

as they describe the "where" and "when" of

the action.

Reply:1) d (yesterday because it modifies the verb arrived)

2) parenthesis
Reply:for question one....D

for question two...A

i could be wrong. but how often does that happen?
Reply:1) None of these sentences contains an adverb.

2) Parenthesis is always singular (plural parentheses)

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