Sunday, August 2, 2009

Interesting chem question involving steam and temperature, etc. Specific heat?

Holy enthalpy! Batman and Robin have been captured by the Riddler! Because he is criminally insane, he has given them their choice of two equally complicated and easily escapable death traps. "Which will it be? Shall I drop you into a vat of boiling water or lock you in a room filled with 100 C steam?" Unbeknownst to the Riddler, the Dynamic Duo has managed to contact you, their butler Alfred, to ask your informed scientific opinion on the matter. The problem is, Batman can't swim, and Robin's suit can only withstand 45 kJ/mol of heat energy. Quick, before the Riddler gets impatient and just decides for himself! Which option gives our heroes the best chance for survival?

I don't need the survival question answered - I'll try to do that myself. But if you could help me out and tell me:

Assuming that the surface body temperature of Batman and Robin are well below 100 C, what physical constant is relevant to this conundrum??

I was thinking specific heat ?

Interesting chem question involving steam and temperature, etc. Specific heat?
Specific heat

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