Saturday, May 22, 2010

How do i list the first 6 lines of the body of a html file using php inlcuding the title of the file?


I have managed to list all html files in a directory using :


$path = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot";

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");

while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {

if($file == "." || $file == ".." || $file == "index.php" )


echo "%26lt;a href=\"$file\"%26gt;$file%26lt;/a%26gt;




now i want to list the first 5 line of the body of each html i have listed, after each file,

including the title of the html file.

I tried to add the following in my code above:

function read_logfiles($files, $lines=5)


foreach($files as $file_num =%26gt; $file) {

if (file_exists ($file) ) {

$handle = fopen($file, "r");

$linecounter = $lines;

$pos = -2;

$t = " ";

$text[$file_num] = "";

while ($linecounter %26gt; 0) {

while ($t != "\n") {

fseek($handle, $pos, SEEK_END);

$t = fgetc($handle);

$pos --;


$t = " ";

$text[$file_num] .= fgets($handle);

$linecounter --;


fclose ($handle);

} else {

$text[$file_num] = "The file doesn't exist.";



return $text;


but it doesn't work, i get: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in

C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\love.php on line 42

I have read that i cant use: file_get_contents because thats for only files on network, not on my

pc, i have iis and php on windows xp.

How shall i do this

Thanks in advance

kind regards

How do i list the first 6 lines of the body of a html file using php inlcuding the title of the file?
The closing curly brace is missing ;-)

You shoul add } after return $text;

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